This section lists china painters alphabetically and, when useful to collectors, brief information about them is also given. Most artists listed were painting during the first half of the twentieth century. Those who exhibited at the 1907 Melbourne exhibition are identified as “1907 exhibitor”. Some also exhibited in 1906. Those who were painting in the 1980s (and who exhibited in the 1981 Australasian Convention of the International Porcelain Art Teachers Inc.) are also included and are identified as “1980s china painter”.
Abraham, M., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Adeney, E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Alexander, M., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Allanson, J., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Allen, J., Rockhampton, Qld.
Alston, A., Melbourne, 1907 trade exhibitor.
Alston, E., Melbourne, 1907 trade exhibitor.
Amess, M., Melbourne.
Ashton, H., born in England, Sydney, male china painter.
Assche, E.V., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Astley, C., Warwick, Qld, male china painter.
Atkinson, E., Sydney.
Atkinson, E., born in England, Sydney.
Avdall, D., Brisbane.
Bagshaw, B., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Bailey, B., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Barber, N., born in new Zealand, Hobart.
Barclay, G., Hobart.
Barclay, L., Hobart.
Barker, G., Sydney.
Barker, L., Adelaide.
Barlow, H., Sydney, especially Australian flora and fauna.
Barnes, D.M., Adelaide.
Barton, M., Brisbane and Sydney.
Bell, M.C., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Bell-Brown, E.J., Sydney.
Benham, A.M., Adelaide.
Best, E., Perth, 1908s china painter.
Billinghurst, F., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Birch, N., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Blackburn, B., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Blackwell, V., Sydney.
Blanchfield, T., Sydney, 1980s male china painter.
Blomgren, K., Sydney.
Boland, J., Perth, early WA painter.
Boodle, E., Sydney.
Booth, M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Bott, A., Brisbane.
Bott, S.N., Brisbane.
Box, J.P., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Bozon, Sydney, especially Australian native flowers.
Brabson (later Schmith), A.E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Bradford, E., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Bradford, T., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Brandis, M., Brisbane.
Brandis, V., Brisbane.
Brien, E.M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Broadfoot, E., Rockhampton, Qld.
Brown, C., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Brown, A.A.K. (née Johnston), Hobart.
Brown, G.E., Sydney, 1907 exhibitor.
Brown, P., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Brunton, H., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Buckley, C., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Bucknell, M.D’A., Sydney, 1907 exhibitor.
Bunyon, E., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Burgess, F., Melbourne.
Burnett, H., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Burrows, A. (née Kenworthy), Hobart.
Borrows, E.M., Melbourne.
Brunton, H., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Burnett, H., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Burrows, A., Melbourne.
Burrows, A., Launceston, china painting in 1885.
Burrows, E.M., Melbourne.
Burrows, M., Hobart.
Burton, M., Brisbane.
Button, L., Sydney.
Buxton, J., Adelaide.
Buyers, A.B., Hobart.
Cadden, D., Sydney.
Callender, H., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Cameron, G.E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Campbell, A., Adelaide.
Carlill, A., Sydney.
Carter, W., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Cartledge, R., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Catt, M., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Champion, E., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Chantrell, H., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Charsley, D., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Clancy, E., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Cleveland, M., Sydney.
Close, M., Brisbane.
Coleman, M., Adelaide.
Coles, E.R., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Collins, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Condon, H., Brisbane, 1980s china painter.
Cooter, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Corcoran, A.V.C., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Cornish, M., Sydney.
Cortes-Stanaford, Brisbane.
Coutie, R.G., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Craig, R.M., born in Scotland, Adelaide. Male china painter.
Creeth, H., Perth.
Creeth, M., Perth.
Cumming, L.L., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Darling, M., Brisbane.
Davidson, C., Sydney.
Davidson, J.W., Brisbane.
Davis, B.B., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Day, L., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Dean, M., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Deveruex, B.E., Brisbane and Melbourne, especially Australian flora and fauna.
Disher, E.M., Adelaide.
Dixon, M., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Downer, L., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Dowse, D., Sydney.
Drok, K., Perth, early WA painter and1980s china painter.
Dunlop, L., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Dyer, I., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Eatham, E. (née Saller), Hobart.
Edwards, L, Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Eldershaw, D. (née Barclay), Hobart.
Ellis, M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Ellis, V., Adelaide., 1980s china painter.
Evans, I., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Eyre, V., Sydney.
Faulks, M., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Felstead, S., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Ferguson, W., born England, Brisbane.
Fitzpatrick, D., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Fiveash, R., Adelaide, especially Australian flora.
Flere, E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Flower, A., Brisbane.
Flynn, M., Perth, early WA painter, especially Aboriginal designs.
Foott, C., Brisbane.
Foott, M., Brisbane.
Forster, H.M.C., Brisbane, 1907 exhibitor.
Forwood, M.E., Adelaide.
Fuller, D., Newcastle, NSW.
Fullford, M., Sydney.
Furniss, G., Brisbane.
Gage, Hobart.
Gates, A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Gerry, B.E.E., Adelaide.
Giddings, B.A.. Melbourne.
Goard, M., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Godlee, N., Adelaide.
Goldenberg, R., Melbourne.
Goldie, D., Hobart.
Good, E.M., Adelaide.
Good, F., Adelaide, strictly speaking a gilder, recognised as one of the
world’s best.
Good, G., Adelaide.
Gooden, A., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Gowdie, T., Born in England, Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Graham, N., Melbourne.
Grant, G.S. (née Stanley), Brisbane.
Greer, A.H., Adelaide.
Gregory, D., Melbourne.
Grey, B., Brisbane.
Griffiths, E., Perth, 1907 exhibitor.
Griffiths, M.T., Sydney.
Grist, N.B., Melbourne, 1907 trade exhibitor.
Grund, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Gum, M.E., Adelaide.
Guy, E., Adelaide.
Hake, D.B., Melbourne.
Hales, P., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Hall, M., Brisbane.
Hanley, G., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Hannaford, L., Adelaide.
Hansen, L., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Harding, C., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Harkness, M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Harris, G., Brisbane.
Harrison, M.R., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Harvey, L.J., born in England, Brisbane. Male china painter.
Haussen, M., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Heazlewood, B., Launceston.
Henham, E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Hermel, B., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Hill, M.E., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Hoadley, L.A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Holder, R.L., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Holder, R.S., Adelaide.
Holland, I., Adelaide.
Holmes, E., Brisbane, 1980s china painter.
Hopkins, I., Brisbane, 1980s china painter.
Hough, A., Adelaide.
Howell, N., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Howie, L.H., Adelaide, especially Australian flora. Male china painter.
Hubble, F., Adelaide.
Innes, M., Sydney.
Irvine, M.M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Irwin, S.M., Adelaide.
Jakins, M., Melbourne, exhibited in 1906.
James, G., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Jamieson, E., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Jarrett, M., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Jenner, J., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Jobst, E., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Johnson, A., Hobart.
Johnson, A.E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Johnson, S.H., Hobart.
Johnson, T., Sydney.
Johnston, M., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Jones, A., Hobart.
Jones, H., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Jones, Z., Brisbane.
Josephson, E., Sydney.
Jury, E., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Kaighan, D., Melbourne.
Kane, B. (née Beech), Melbourne.
Kay, J., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Keats, B., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Keily, P., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Kelly, Sydney.
Kelly, L., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Kemp. J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
King, I.K., Sydney, 1907 exhibitor.
King, L., Brisbane, male china painter.
Laird, J., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Lakides, A., Perth and Melbourne. Resident of USA for many years.
Lambert, E.R., South Australia and Toowoomba, Quensland.
Landells, F. (née Le Cornu), Adelaide.
Langton, A.H., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Larard, G.A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Laughton, L., Adelaide.
Lawrence, L., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Lawrie, G., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Lawson, V. (née Lambert), Toowoomba, Qld.
Laycock, A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Laycock, J., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Learmonth, J., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Legoe, J., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Leicester, B.S., Adelaide.
Leist, F., Sydney.
Leicester, J., Adelaide.
Lemmon, L., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
L’Estrange, B., Brisbane.
Lewis, A.M., Adelaide.
Liebl, U., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Lovett, M.E., Hobart.
Luke, H.S., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Luke, J. (née Stephens), Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Lungley, D., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Lyall, F., Melbourne.
McCarthy, M., Sydney.
McCorkell, B., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
McCredie, M., Sydney.
McCrode, A., Sydney, 1907 exhibitor.
McDonald, M.A., Brisbane.
McDonald, R.M.M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
McDowell, A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
McGregor, I., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
McKillop, K., Melbourne.
McMillan,F.H., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
McPhersen, Melbourne.
Mace, S., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Mann, F., Mount Wilson, NSW, overglaze earthenware.
Mannall, K., Sydney.
Martin, M., Perth.
Mason, F.A., Melbourne, 1907 trade exhibitor.
Mason, L., Sydney.
Massey, C., Sydney.
Masters, R., Adelaide.
Matthews, B., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Matthews, F., Sydney.
Maughen, J., Sydney.
Meagher, M.F., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Meares, M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Meldrum, P., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Mellor, G.M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Meyer, E.M., Adelaide.
Milne, G., Perth.
Milton, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Moody, E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Moody, S., Melbourne.
Moore, J.C., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Moore, M., Brisbane.
Morish, A., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Moroney, M., Brisbane, male china painter.
Moss, I.H., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Murchie, J., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Neilson, H., Adelaide, 1980s china painter
Newell, A., born in England, Bendigo, Vic.
Newman, A.I., Sydney, 1907 exhibitor.
Newman, L., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Nicholls, G., Perth, early WA painter.
Nicholson, E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Nock, O., Sydney, especially Art Deco.
Norton, G., Adelaide.
Noseworthy, D., Brisbane.
Oaken, C., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Ogden, O.J., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Ogilvie, C.M., Sydney.
O’Neil, G., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
O’Reilly, S., Brisbane.
O’Reilly, C., Brisbane.
Overbury, M., Adelaide.
Page, Hobart.
Palmer, A.L., Brisbane, 1907 exhibitor.
Palmer, E.F., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Palmer, T.A., Melbourne.
Parker, C., Sydney.
Parry, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Paterson, R., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Pavia, C., Adelaide. Male china painter.
Payne, F., Brisbane and Sydney.
Peach, J.A., born in England, Sydney. Male china painter.
Peacock, F.M., Adelaide.
Peapes, L., Sydney.
Pearce, Hobart.
Pearce, c., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Pike, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Pines, A., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Pitt, N., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Playford, L., Adelaide.
Potter, W. Male china painter.
Prentice, P., Brisbane.
Prentice, R., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Pretyman, L., Hobart.
Price, E.I., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Priest, M., Adelaide.
Primrose, Q., Adelaide.
Prout, E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Raisbeck, E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Ramsay, M., Hobart.
Rayce, F., Melbourne.
Redman, P., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Reeve, J., Brisbane.
Reid, E., Warwick and Rockhampton, Qld.
Reynolds, G., Adelaide.
Richards, E., Sydney.
Richards, F., Adelaide.
Robertson, S., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Robertson, I., Melbourne, exhibited in 1906.
Robertson, S., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Robinson, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Robinson, R., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Robinson, R., Brisbane, 1980s china painter.
Roche, L.M., Brisbane.
Ross, V.R., Brisbane.
Rosser, E.
Royce, F., Geelong, Vic.
Ruthning, E., Brisbane.
Rymill, A., Adelaide.
Sabel, J., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Sadler, L., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Sampson, B., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Sanders, F., Melbopurne, exhibited in 1906.
Sansom, E., Sydney.
Sasche, P., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Sasse, H.M.B., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Saunders, E.G., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Saunders, F., Melbourne, 1907 trade exhibitor.
Sawyers, Brisbane.
Scarf, M., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Schenk, Q., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Schlenker, G., Brisbane.
Schofield, M., Melbourne.
Schubert, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Schultz, C., Adelaide.
Sedgley, M., Melbourne.
Sharp, E., Melbourne.
Shaw, M., Perth.
Simpson, J., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Simpson, J.W., Perth.
Simpson, M.A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Simpson, W., Melbourne.
Simms, D., Launceston.
Skegg, D., Hobart, 1980s china painter.
Smallacombe, V.
Smith, A., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Smith, E., Perth, early WA painter.
Smith, F. Adelaide.
Smith, H. (née Saller), Hobart.
Smith, S.S., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Snowball, C.A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Snowball, M.F., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Spargo, J.T., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Stanley, G.M., Brisbane, 1907 exhibitor.
Steer, D., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Stephens, L.A., Adelaide.
Stevens, J., Adelaide, 1980 china painter.
Stewart, C.A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Stewart, H.F., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Stewart, N.B., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Strachan, R.M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Strong, A., Sydney, 1980s male china painter.
Stuart, D.G., Adelaide, male china painter.
Stuart, J., Melbourne, male china painter.
Stuart. J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Stuchbury, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Sutton, J.C., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Swift, O., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Symons, J., Adelaide.
Tailor, H., Perth, 1980s china painter.
Tait, B., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Teasdale, D., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Temby, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Thomas, E.L., Sydney, 1907 exhibitor.
Thomas, R.L., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Thompson, A.M., Geelong, Vic.
Thomson, M.B., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Tilley, D., Melbourne.
Tomes, Hobart.
Tompkins, D., Melbourne.
Tompkins, M.E., Melbourne, 1907 trade exhibitor.
Tompkins, M., Melbourne.
Topp. S.J., Melbourne.
Toy, D., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Tranmar, D.M., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Treacher, M., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Trimble, L., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Uzzell, M., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Vale, A.M., Melbourne.
Venner, J.J. (Mamie), Adelaide, especially Art Deco and Art Nouveau designs.
Vine, C., Hobart.
Vitus, H. Le, Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Waghorne, G., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Walker, A.R., Melbourne, 1907 trade exhibitor.
Walker, B., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Walker, E., Sydney, 1907 exhibitor.
Warburton, E., Sydney.
Watson, M-J., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Webber, Sydney.
White, E., Brisbane.
Whitney, L., Sydney.
Whitside, V.L., Hobart, 1907 exhibitor.
Wholehan, M., Adelaide, 1907 exhibitor.
Williams, D., Brisbane.
Williams, D., Hobart.
Williamson, J., Melbourne, 1980s china painter.
Winwood, C.
Wilson, D., Sydney.
Wilson, E., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Wilson, Y., Sydney, 1980s china painter.
Woodcock, L., Adelaide.
Woodward, A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Wooley, W., Hobart. Male china painter.
Wright, M., Adelaide.
Wynes, M., Adelaide.
Young, A., Brisbane.
Young, I.A., Melbourne, 1907 exhibitor.
Zakarias, J., Adelaide, 1980s china painter.
Common terms used in china painting are listed below:
Art Nouveau - Design style that emphasises free flowing lines
Bisque - Unglazed pottery
Bone china - China with powdered bone incorporated. The glaze is soft and
fired at a low temperature
Ceramic - Anything made from fired clay
China - Also called “bone china”; a mixture of clay, bone ash and feldspar
that is fired to produce a modified porcelain
Enamel - Glass coloured with metal oxide used to glaze a ceramic
Famille rose - Predominantly pink/red decoration
Famille verte - Predominantly green decoration
Firing - The process of heating the painted china in a kiln
Flora and fauna - Plants (especially flowers) and animals
Gild - Gold
Hard paste - Also called “true porcelain”, made from kaolin and feldspar,
fired at high temperatures to produce a translucent ceramic
Kaolin - White china clay
Lead glaze - Glaze that is transparent containing lead. No longer legal.
Medium - Substance (such as oil) mixed with dry, powdered, on-glaze paint
to enable it to be applied to a surface
Metallics - Iridescent metallic paints
Overglaze - Decoration over the glaze
Porcelain - White clay that has been fired at a high temperature to produce
white, translucent ceramic
Pottery - Anything except porcelain made from fired clay
Sgraffito - A design is scratched on to a painted surface to reveal the
clear glazed china or underlying colour
Slip - A slurry of clay and water
Soft paste - Porcelain made from white clay and ground glass
Sponge painting - Paint is applied with a sponge
Stencilling - One of the techniques, using a stencil, to create a design
Underglaze - Decoration under the glaze